
Thursday, June 21, 2012

White Chocolate Mousse with Raspberry Swirls

I hate flying! oh I see the irony in it. How can I be in the AirForce for almost 9 years and can't stand to fly? I think its because I've worked around the flight line for too long and have seen the maintenance on aircrafts.   Any kind of turbulence freaks me out! I just flew from Misawa Japan to Seattle yesterday and was so exhausted from my anxiousness (is that a word?) I couldn't sleep and since I left late afternoon on a Tuesday, I arrived early morning on a Tuesday, basically resetting my whole day again.  Can you say exhausting! But I am excited to see my family for a few days in Portland before flying...EEK again to Maxwell AFB for training.  The only thing I'm worried about is if they will have any place for me to cook something or will i be subjected to chow hall food for the next 2 months ick. 

I made this creamy and delicious or should I say Oishii ;) mousse for the very first Blue Ribbon Challenge over on Ana's. Crunchy Creamy Sweet Blog.  She has begun a new and fun challenge where each month there is a themed dessert and you can add your own twist.  This month was Mousse and I'm bringing to the challenge this yummy white chocolate mousse with raspberry swirls. I love how the tart raspberry swirls complement the sweet white chocolate mousse. I made this right before leaving Japan so my husband could have a little dessert saved in the fridge just for him. 

White Chocolate Mousse with Raspberry Swirls

Yields 4 Servings 

7 ounces White Chocolate (I used white chocolate chips)
2 Egg Yolks
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 1/4 Cup Heavy cream
1 Cup Frozen Raspberries thawed

Using a fine mesh strainer, place over a medium glass bowl. Add the thawed raspberries to the strainer and mash with the back of a large spoon until you get about 1 cup of just raspberry puree.  the seeds should not be able to make it through the mesh screen.  set aside.

In a large glass bowl place in your white chocolate chips or broken chocolate bar and set aside.
Add the egg yolks and sugar into a small bowl and whisk until pale in color. 
In a sauce pan over low heat bring 1/4 cup on the heavy cream to a simmer, and slowly add the cream to the yolk and sugar mixture to temper, keep whisking the yolk mixture while your adding the hot cream. 
Pour the mixture back into the pan and simmer, stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture coats the back of the spoon. (about 5 min)
While the mixture is heating up add the remaining 1 cup of heavy cream to a electric mixer and beat on high until stiff peaks form making your whipped cream.
Pour the hot mixture over the white chocolate and stir until smooth.
Fold in half of your whipped cream into the chocolate mixture to lighten and fold in the remaning whipped cream until combined. 

Using 4 small serving bowls, spoon in about a table spoon of raspberry puree to the bottom of the bowl add a couple large spoon fulls of the white chocolate mousse, add another tablespoon or 2 of the puree to the top of the white chocolate. Spoon in more white chocolate mousse till your almost to the top of the bowl, add another couple of table spoons of raspberry puree and using a skewer make swirl patterns in your mousse. refrigerate for about 1 hour. 


  1. Beautiful chocolate mousse you made it perfection.

    Yes I don't like flying either, but 14 hours flying is needed to go to see my dad.

    1. thankyou =) wow your plane trip is so much longer, its terrible being cramped in a little seat for that long.

  2. This looks so good. Love the colours together. Especially pretty for Valentine's Day, but so in season now.

    1. yeah this would be pretty nice of V-day. thanks Ellen =)

  3. Yes! I was hoping for white chocolate mousse :) Looooove it! I agree on the balance from raspberries. Thank you so much for participating!

    1. Thank u, I was looking forward to the challenge Ana. So many awesome mousses were submitted.

  4. Your mousse looks so delicious! I love the flavor combinations. What's not to love about white chocolate and raspberry? Now, as for flying? I never got comfortable with being on a plane. Not even with all the traveling we did when I was young. Thanks for sharing a wonderful recipe and best wishes with your training!

    1. yeah I'm just not a happy camper about flying. but its the only way to get back to japan lol and I don't like the ocean either. have a wonderful weekend Stephanie

  5. such a pretty looking mousse!!! good luck w training :)

    1. Thank you April, I need all the luck I can get :)

  6. I'm not a fan of white chocolate but it pairs well with raspberry. Love the swirls - they are really pretty :)

    1. its hard to resist any chocolate for me lol The swirls were fun to make, thank you :)

  7. Gorgeous swirls on your mousse!!Love the texture and the lovely raspberries in there :)

  8. I am so with you on the flying. I HATE it. You will find me in the airport bar before my flight!! :)
    This dessert is absolutely gorgeous and sounds like it would taste amazing too. Perfect treat to leave your hubby!

    1. good idea, bar it is next time, considering I don't have any sleepy pills to take =)

  9. What a beautiful looking mousse!!! And yummmmmmm!!!

    I detest flying as well. I would rather drive if I could. We recently contemplated driving all the way when moving from West Coast to East Coast......however time and convinience economics won.

    1. thanks, me too on the rather dive than fly part, unfortunately like you said it can't be helped sometimes, flying is the only option.

  10. Yum your mousse looks so delicious. I love the raspberries in it.

    1. thank you the raspberries were my favorite part

  11. Oh wow! Love this mousse with pretty swirl! So beautifully done with raspberries, my favorite berries too!
    Ya, I know what you mean , I hate flying too & I'm a former flight attendant. I just don't feel comfortable & can't sleep too, that's the worst when on long flights! Don't really know how to explain it but I just detest flying! Enjoy your stay at Portland with your family dear! HUGS :)

    1. Hi Kit, wow can't believe you were a flight attendant, every time I board a flight I think wow these people are brave for flying non stop every day for their job, i couldn't do it. I am enjoying the family time, thanks so much and HUGS back!

  12. Perfect swirl and that's delicious in my books!

  13. Looks gorgeous!!

    I wanted to let you know you've been nominated for an award... check out my latest blog post for more details.


    1. holy cow really?? thank u! what an awesome surprise to wake up too. =)

  14. beautiful mousse ... almost too pretty to eat ... almost :) Long flights are tough especially when you end up reliving the day! I just got back from new Zealand to see my sister and had the same experience. so strange. Good luck with your training

    1. almost lol....yeah it is a strange experience to relive the same day over, my brain was not functioning well after no sleep in 35 hours.

  15. Omg this looks SO DELICIOUS!! xx

  16. From your anxiety love! I feel that. I get very stressed as well. Every little thing on planes makes me worry!

  17. This mousse looks delicious! I love white chocolate and raspberry together. Great recipe!

  18. whoa thanks so much Emma, I'am very honored you would think of me. :)

  19. This is beautiful!! Lovely flavour combination as well!

  20. Gorgeous dessert, and it sounds so heavenly! Love white chocolate and raspberries together, and a mousse is such a great way to make that happen. :)

  21. Yummy!!! Delicious dessert:) Neshanne I nominated you with One Lovely Blog Award:))) Check it out

  22. Love the colours. White Choc + Raspberries = Match made in heaven. :))

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This is beautiful and so appealing!!
